
A member of our Recruitment Team registers a new volunteer onto our database

Volunteer and patient recruitment remains at the heart of the MEU’s success.

With over 65 years’ collective experience of recruiting volunteers and patients across various types of clinical trials, our Recruitment team are experts in their field.

I.C.A.R.U.S., the MEU’s bespoke clinical database and trial management system, assists rapid volunteer recruitment, facilitating efficient enrolment and enabling us to meet our clients’ timelines.

I.C.A.R.U.S holds both demographic and clinical information of over 14,000 volunteers. We tailor our recruitment strategies to each patient group to find the right patient for the right study.

Our software enables interrogation of protocol inclusion/exclusion criteria to produce realistic and ‘live’ feasibility.

I.C.A.R.U.S. provides us with patient retention data through its ability to track a subject’s progress within a study.

With over 65 years’ collective experience of recruiting volunteers and patients across various types of clinical trials, our Recruitment team are experts in their field.

The MEU’s dedicated Recruitment Development Manager has successfully forged a collaborative relationship with Greater Manchester Primary Care Network.

A catchment area of 2.8 million gives us access to tens of thousands of patients, enabling us to provide our clients with real-time feasibility and rapid study enrolment in both early phase and later phases.

The MEU’s generic and targeted patient recruitment strategies